Rather than one of those boring “about me” pages, I’ve opted to create a “now” page to give you a glimpse into what’s currently going on for me in several aspects of my life.


In the Fall of 2021, our family made the move from the East Bay to the North Bay in the San Francisco Bay Area. We now have a bit more space to spread out with easy access to the vineyards, beaches, and scenic hiking trails that make Sonoma County so amazing.


My daily grind is in the world of influencer marketing. Connecting talented creators with top-notch brands is a challenging but rewarding experience. In addition to that, I’m actively coaching clients on how to improve their relationships with digital devices and navigate the pitfalls of our futuristic society. When time allows, I’m also a deep work facilitator with the amazing folks at Caveday. Honestly, it is the best way to improve your productivity, I suggest you drop in for a cave!


Health is always a priority. Right now I’m religiously tracking my sleep data using my Oura ring. I’ve steadily been running 20+ miles per week and tracking it on Strava while training for a half marathon this fall. I have no interest in working out at gyms but I’m doing daily bodyweight training using the equipment from the fine folks at monkii.co. I’ve been meticulously tracking hydration levels using a smart water bottle from Hidrate: Spark.